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All In Series: Discovery

September 15, 2021

As a child, two of my favourite subjects in school were history and science. The element of discovery intrigued me whether it was learning about explorers like Cartier, discovering new lands or scientists like Currie or Fleming discovering the cure for a disease. I did not go on to become a scientific researcher, but instead found my calling in University, where I became fascinated by behavioural and social science, and a desire to create social change. I now have the pleasure of leading an organization that is innovative with its research and evidence and at its core, fueled by a desire to discover breakthroughs in responsible gambling that protects players and communities.

As fate would have it, RGC’s leading annual conference is aptly named Discovery.

RGC invites leaders in the gambling industry to come together at our annual Discovery conference to promote thought leadership in the field. Collectively we discuss and debate the research, emerging trends and solutions to keep gambling safer in Canada and globally. The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic combined with other technological, social, political and economic trends are all having a profound impact on the gambling industry and consumer behaviour.

Without a doubt, Discovery 2021 will be unique and more important than ever.

We are at a critical time. As leaders, this is a tremendous opportunity for us to collectively address the changes that are occurring, the impact these changes are having on consumer behaviour and society, share what we are doing and commit to what we must do together to advance the prevention of gambling harms, now and into the future. These times demand that we are visionary, strategic and collaborative to proactively mitigate the risks associated with the expansion and diversification that is taking place in the gambling world, particularly in internet gambling and sports betting.

The agenda at this year’s Discovery was carefully curated to address the trends and changes felt by the industry. What’s more important, our sessions are meant to spark meaningful conversations on how we can move forward together. For the first time ever, we are offering roundtables on a variety of topics that are top of mind for the industry right now. Through these more intimate discussions between peers and colleagues, we hope to foster solutions through meaningful and collective brainstorming.

Discovery is an opportunity for all of us to tap into our innate curiosity to explore all sides of the issues, to leverage our respective wisdom and discover new ways to advance safer gambling. How we share knowledge with each other and apply those learnings to our own jurisdictions can help us all be better leaders and champions of responsible gambling.

What do you think are the biggest barriers to responsible gambling right now?

Register for Discovery and join us as we reconnect, rethink and recommit to RG. Once you’ve registered, let me know that you’ll be attending. I look forward to having these important conversations with you.


Shelley White is one of Canada’s foremost visionary leaders, and has dedicated her life and career to empowering organizations that create better futures for thousands of people in their communities. In 2017, she became the new CEO of the Responsible Gambling Council (RGC).

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