The Gold Standard of Accreditation.

RG Check – The most comprehensive Responsible Gambling Accreditation program in the world.

RG Check is the most comprehensive responsible gambling accreditation program in the world.

Gambling operators know it’s important to have a social license to operate when it comes to successfully conducting their business within or across jurisdictions. It’s not always easy to gain the trust of players, regulators, governments and the general public.


RG Check can help.

Successful operators understand that a commitment to responsible gambling, player health and creating a sustainable player base benefits not just their business, but the broader community. RG Check, developed by the Responsible Gambling Council, is the gold standard of responsible gambling accreditation and gives operators the confidence that they have the highest degree of player safeguards in place. RG Check is available for both land-based and iGaming sites including online casino, instants and sports betting, worldwide.

Have questions about the process or looking to begin your accreditation?


Reaching New Heights

Both our land-based and iGaming accreditation programs have been recently updated to provide you with increasingly meaningful and relevant recommendations in the final report so that your results can be used as a valuable source of continuous improvement.


Our team of RG Check analysts work with you to collect a wide range of information related to your responsible gambling policies, procedures and performance. Using multiple sources of information to cross-reference and verify, we assess your overall program based on a comprehensive set of established standards and criteria. A detailed report with recommendations is produced and is reviewed by an arms-length Accreditation Panel prior to final accreditation being awarded.

An RG Check accreditation means that operators, regulators and the public can count on rigorous safeguards to protect players and foster a sustainable player base.