Frequently Asked Questions about RG Check Accreditation

What makes RG Check the gold standard of Responsible Gambling Accreditation?

RG Check is focused on delivering the best, most comprehensive accreditation program in the world in terms of both the content and process. We are committed to:

  • Having the most comprehensive set of Responsible Gambling Standards
  • Appling an evidence-based analysis for each of the standards verified by multiple sources and metrics
  • Incorporating more standards than other Responsible Gambling Accreditation programs, such as assisting players who show signs of gambling related harm
  • Being regularly reviewed against leading best practices
  • Ensuring the RG Check Accreditation process:
    • Is independent and non-biased
    • Has dedicated staff that work collaboratively with venues and sites to ensure the process is smooth, efficient, and effective
    • Provides detailed analysis of scoring and practical recommendations for improvement
    • Includes a review by a prestigious arm’s-length Accreditation Panel
  • Remaining a registered non-profit corporation that is governed by an independent Board of Directors
  • Being internationally-recognized with over 35 years of experience in problem gambling prevention

Why are there different standards for land-based venues and Internet gambling sites?

While there is overlap between the two sets of standards, there are some obvious operational differences that are reflected in both the standards and criteria.  For example, assisting patrons at a venue takes place in the form of face-to-face interactions, while providing similar assistance to a player on a website takes place over the phone or via web chat. This has an impact on staff training requirements and escalation strategies for people in distress. Another example is access to money. Venues are largely cash-based businesses, while internet sites require that an online account or ‘wallet’, be established to gamble. The differences between the two sets of standards are based on these operational realities.

How are standards development and accreditation funded?

Organizations applying for accreditation pay a fee that covers the cost of the accreditation process  and the ongoing research and analysis required to keep the standards current.


What RG Check information does the Responsible Gambling Council share with the public?

The standards and criteria, as well as information about the assessment process, are published on this website and in printed materials. Sites that have received RG Check accreditation are made public with the consent of the gaming provider. Final scores are confidential, as is information about sites undergoing accreditation and all documentation provided by gambling providers as part of the accreditation process.

Looking to get accredited?

Find out what it takes to get the gold standard in accreditation.

Learn about the Accreditation Process

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The Centre for the Advancement of Best Practices (CABP)

RGC’s CABP promotes the research and advancement of responsible gambling practices.

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